How to end final scenario sundren campaign age wonders 3
How to end final scenario sundren campaign age wonders 3

how to end final scenario sundren campaign age wonders 3

I will say one criticism I have of the game is that you usually know when you will win or lose several hours before you actually close out the game. I was able to get the cities back and win without restarting but it was a bit stressful. Also in my game, a random spawn of bands of roaming animals took several of my cities that had 1-2 defender units. The pirate has flying things roaming around looking for undefended cities and bases. Make sure to keep your cities well defended. I had success focusing on storm sisters in my elf cities and bee lining shadow stalkers in my other cities. You can get away without building a navy in this one. I thought I needed a massive navy to sail all the way to the pirate base but there is a portal you need to use that makes it way easier if you plan for it. The pirate mission was among the hardest and I found I needed to do it once to learn the map before I could properly beat it. They start with a shitload of cities so if you take a few cities and spend too much time building up they will run away with the game. What I’ve found helps in the campaign is to rush the enemy as much as you can. This also makes it satisfying to win each mission but sometimes I need a break and start a random map. Similar to what others said it is long but it’s turn based so I definitely have never completed a single campaign mission or random map in a single sitting.

How to end final scenario sundren campaign age wonders 3